Is running a caravan air conditioner all day safe? in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

It can be quite tiring to get back to your caravan after a long day of summer fun.

No matter how many hours your caravan runs, you must still have enough power to run your compressor throughout the day.

If you have two AC units, you can switch between the front and rear AC units.

AC is essential for all caravans. This is because caravans and trailers heat up quickly in direct sunlight.

An RV without an AC unit is not uncommon. We’ll give you tips on how to use your AC efficiently.

This is a quick overview on how an air conditioner operates

A caravan AC produces cold air through its unit, but is not like a house air conditioner.

The caravan AC uses heat and moisture from the outside to create cool air inside your rigs.

Water evaporates and is collected through a filter. An evaporator is a device that creates heat and air.

On the other hand, the compressor system holds molecules of gaseous refrigerant together, and presses it until it becomes a liquid. Then it flows into a pipe that turns it back into liquid in the evaporator. This is how heat, moisture and cold air are transformed.

How to run an AC conditioner in a caravan for all day

An AC unit for caravans requires at least 3,500 Watts of power to start and 1,500 Watts per hour to run.

You can adjust the temperature to suit your needs with a thermostat.

These steps will help you set up your AC.

  • First, you will need to set the AC unit’s cool temperature to “high cool” This will control the fan speed as well as the amount of air blown into your caravan.
  • Next adjust the temperature to “cool” or “cold”. While the fan draws in outside air, it doesn’t cool it.
  • Next, choose your preferred temperature. You can choose from temperatures between 73 and 77 degrees.

That’s it! Easy, right? It’s simple, right?

Tip: Do not lower the thermostat below 70 degrees. This could cause system damage.

Turn it on before leaving for work or exploring. This will allow the AC to cool down.

From morning to night, the temperature will stay the same. The best time to lower the thermostat is at night.

Tip: Make sure you have a constant power source.